Saturday, December 19, 2009

Second Trimester!

I am 13 weeks 5 days today. Some people view the second trimester as starting at 13 weeks and some think it is 14 weeks. I don't really care! I'm finally in the 2nd trimester! Every week I feel a little better...I haven't puked in a few days....still getting horrible headaches though. A friend from work brought over a baby gate and a high chair for us. I think it's time to register for baby stuff at Babies R Us.  I definitely need Nya to come help me because I have no idea all the things we will end up needing!

My next appt. is on Jan 8th and I will be in my 16th week. I will not be getting an ultrasound but I will hear the heartbeat again with the fetal doppler. I don't know when my next sono will be....we really want to know the gender right now! Other women on the June 2010 Birth Club on babycenter already have found out the gender. Not fair!! Oh well....I'm glad we are waiting so the OB doesnt make a mistake. Sometimes its too early to really know and sometimes people are told the wrong gender early on.  

Monday, December 7, 2009

It's Monday morning and I'm in bed watching Baby Story....I'm paying more attention to being online though. I do not feel nauseous this morning!!! YAY!! I think I need to find something to eat as soon as possible. I have my finals this week. (English final and American Gov't tomorrow then Algebra and Philosophy final on Thurs) I am so excited to have this Christmas break. I have been feeling so sick I am excited that I do not have to drive to school and worry about homework for about a month.....I will be around 34-35 weeks at the beginning of May during my finals so that will be hard to drag my big butt to school. I'm ready to do it!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

This is SOOOOO CREEPY!!! Haha

11 weeks. Measured 11 weeks 3 days.

11 week appt.

Just had my 11 week appt. yesterday....the ob/gyn put the doppler on for the first time and told me not to panic if we couldn't hear anything yet and right when she put it on my stomach we heard the loud, strong heartbeat!!! she gave me another prescription for zofran because its been a month since last time....

Ultrasound was longer than expected.....they provide the NT u/s screening for everyone and we got to spend like over 30 minutes trying to make the baby move into good positions for them to take measurements! Everything looks perfect though and im so relieved......finally i can take a breath! ***fingers crossed*** It was so amazing to see our baby bouncin' around and moving its head and arms! I'm in love!!!

We had our 2nd sonogram at 7 weeks exactly. The first sonogram was a week earlier but I was told to come back the next week because the u/s tech couldn't see anything. It was too early to see a fetal pole. (The first u/s I went with Karissa) It was a long week waiting to make sure everything was okay. At 7 weeks Richard and I were able to see the baby and hear the heartbeat. After the appt I asked Richard if he could hear that sound and he was like, "yeah, wasn't that you?!" and I started laughing and told him, "No, it was the heartbeat!! Obviously our heartbeats don't beat that fast!" Haha!

I have been extremely sick. I went to the hospital right after this pict
was taken. I got an IV and zofran through the IV. I was given a
prescription for zofran and phenergan....zofran helped a lot but
it was so expensive insurance only covers 8 pills a month. I was
given phenergan as well but that just makes me really sleepy.
Hopefully I will feel better soon. This hasn't been easy so far!!!!

I found out I was pregnant mid-October! Very scared because I had a complete molar pregnancy a year ago but excited as well. Richard and I decided to wait a little while to tell anyone to make sure I was okay. We had two appts. and everything was normal!! We're very excited!

Friday, December 4, 2009